Sunday Oct 21, 2018
7: Women of Passion, Purpose & Perseverance with Marilyn Ruman, PhD
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Guest Dr. Marilyn Ruman is the founder and director of Marilyn Ruman Clinical and Consulting Associates in Beverly Hills and Brentwood California. The center serves children, adolescents, and adults also providing training and consulting services to businesses, institutions, and community organizations.
As founder of the American Association for Mediated Divorce she is a pioneer in developing models of conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution now widely used by mental heath professionals and attorneys.
She is a recognized lecturer and contributor to the media institutions supporting women’s personal and professional development, including media consultant for K.R.T.H. – F.M. radio, K.A.B.C. – A.M. Talk Radio, A.M. Los Angeles Television, Entertainment tonight, Cable News Network, Los Angeles Times and U.S.A. Today newspapers. Columnist: Slimmer magazine, “Mind & Body”, Self magazine, “What Would You Do?”, Staff Writer for New Woman magazine. Contributor to a variety of publications and journals. Member, Los Angeles Medical Advisory Committee for the 1984 Summer Olympics; Member, Who’s Who in American Women; Board Member, Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women and Children.
Her Ph.D. Dissertation, “Epigenetic Synergistic Study of the Life Experience and Career Commitment of Selected Eminent Women in Business, Politics, and Professions,” was a ground-breaking study of women who triumphed against deep cultural barriers to enact extraordinary public achievements that impacted and inspired others.
Please share a “Wow”
Do what frightens you… you will always be chased by what you flee.
Please share a “Whisper”
If you are willing to be stupid you will never be ignorant.
What do you want listeners to know about you?
That I wish them to be exited about the impossible to see it as possible.
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
Clinical Psychologist… Marilyn Ruman, PhD Clinical and Consulting Associates
Listener Contact
Inquiries via Marilyn Ruman PhD Clinical and Consulting Associates in Beverly Hills, CA
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights National Women's History Museum, “The National Women's History Museum is an online institution preserving #womenshistory & working to establish a physical museum in Washington D.C..”
Visit them online:
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
6: Whales, Water & Wisdom with Anne Gordon
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Guest Anne Gordon de Barrigón studied biology and worked as a zookeeper, trained animals for over 20 years for movies and TV, pioneered the whale watching industry in Panama, been running whale and dolphin wisdom retreats for 11 years.
She created her Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats to share her love of the dolphins, whales, the ocean and nature with others.
She has seen how spending time with the dolphins and whales and learning their wisdom can transform lives gently and easily through simply being immersed in their loving energy.
Please share a “Wow”
Having my trained tiger attack and nearly kill one of my volunteers was a huge wake up call to me to start looking inward and doing major self healing and the beginning of my spiritual path.
Please share a “Whisper”
A male voice spoke within my head saying "he just wants to be close to you." about my little dog who was bothering me by walking right behind my feet and it frustrated me. That voice literally stopped me in my tracks to look at life from the perspective of others.
What do you want listeners to know about you?
That I am dedicated to their transformation through spending time with and sharing the wisdom of the dolphins and whales. My happiest day is out on the water with the dolphins and whales.
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
Being Whale meditation
A 20 minute guided meditation to meet Mother Humpback whale and merge with her.
Social Media links
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anne.gordon.121
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmberaWhaletour
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/whalewisdom/
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights The Gentle Barn, “The Gentle Barn rescues animals from severe abuse and neglect who are too old, sick, lame, or scared to be adopted into homes. Once rehabilitated, the animals help give hope and inspiration to children with the same stories.”
Visit them online:
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
5: Mindfully Doing Nothing, a Peaceful Practice with Bruce Langford
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Guest Bruce Langford: “For over a decade, I've been teaching, practicing and studying mindfulness. Trained as an educator, I worked in the school system for 16 years and saw first-hand how mindfulness improves morale, effort, and satisfaction in the workforce.
Shocked by the amount of bullying being swept under the carpet, I transitioned in 2003 from teaching at a school, to empowering teachers and students who participated in my ‘Respect & Anti-Bullying' training programs where Mindfulness played an integral role.
I've now presented over 1,840 live presentations and created content for dozens of training programs. You can listen to me share thoughts and insight on mindfulness, approaching 400 guests on my Mindfulness Mode Podcast."
Please share a “Wow”
When I knew I would become a podcaster and began planning to create a podcast on how people from all walks of life use mindfulness to become more calm, focused, and happy. I was wowed by the instant success of the Mindfulness Mode podcast and wowed by the number of high profile guests who request on a daily basis to be featured on the show.
Please share a “Whisper”
When I knew I would transition from being a teacher into bullying prevention work. There were a number of whispers in the months before the transition actually happened.
What do you want listeners to know about you?
I coach people, helping them become mindful, focused, and grounded.
I have a Top Ranked iTunes Podcast called Mindfulness Mode.
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
Mindfulness Mode Podcast and Mindfulness Coaching for Work/Life Balance
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
“Become more calm, focused and happy by reading the top 12 books recommended on the Mindfulness Mode Podcast.” This mini 14-page ebook entitled '12 Must-Read Mindfulness Books' outlines each of the top books recommended by guests on the show. Get your digital copy now at MindfulnessMode.com/top12books
Social Media links
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights StopBullying.gov “Updates on how you can take action to stop bullying. Parents, kids, educators & communities all play a role.”
Visit them online:
https://www.stopbullying.gov (a US based resource)
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
4: Wow with Respect, Whisper with Reality. Guest Vickie Sullivan
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Guest Vickie Sullivan is internationally recognized as the top market strategist for thought leaders and visionary influencers. Specializing in branding and messaging strategies in crowded markets, she has helped thousands of cool people stand out since 1987. Ms. Sullivan is a popular speaker on how to be top-of-mind in competitive markets and strategies that prepare folks for those opportunities. Her blog Tips Trends and Tirades® is highly respected in the thought leader space.
Ms. Sullivan’s groundbreaking work has earned her an appointment on the Women’s Leadership Board for the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. She has also served as an advisor on branding and thought leadership for SupporTED’s Collaboratium 2015, an invitation-only event serving select TED Fellows.
Please share a “Wow”
Behind every perspective is a story
Please share a “Whisper”
If you sit still and listen, people will share their heart with you.
What do you want listeners to know about you?
I'm serving the greater good by helping cool people stand out in a sea of great ideas.
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
Market Strategy for Thought Leaders
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
Social Media links
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights Rock the Vote, “Building political power for young voters.”
Visit them online:
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
3: Intention, Invention & Reinvention with Mark Metry
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
About Mark Metry: “Today I interview Billionaires, New York Times Bestselling Authors and Legendary World- Class human beings on my Top 100 podcast but once a upon a time I couldn't make direct eye contact with anyone and suffered from a socially anxious prison inside my mind.
I spend my time on this planet trying to impact & influence others by evolving myself. The same way I was impacted and empowered to upgrade to the next version of myself...version 2.0.
I learned that governments nor corporations can change the world...but individual human beings like you and I can improve ourselves and in turn empower others to do the same.
I'm a curious nerdy that loves learning, creating and updating his own mind every single day.
I'm the Host of a Top 100 podcast, Humans 2.0. In total my thoughts, views, podcasts, and videos have been viewed over 1.7+ Million times. On August 16, 2018, my podcast hit #96 of the top podcasts in the entire world on iTunes with Tim Ferriss, Lewis Howes & Gary Vaynerchuk.”
Please share a “Wow”
I experienced a peak moment of clarity and took ownership and realized what needs to be done.
Please share a “Whisper”
I am a manifester, and I live by intention. Increasingly I am experiencing incredible synchronicities that show me I'm on the right path.
What do you want listeners to know about you?
…that I'm a normal dude with fears, doubts and insecurities but take action despite them.
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
Humans 2.0 (podcast)
VU Dream (business)
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
Just love yourself…
Social Media links
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights edX, “Online courses from @Harvard, @MIT + more of the world's top schools.”
Visit them online:
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
2: Manifesting, Mentoring & Momentum with Melinda Wittstock
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Guest Melinda Wittstock is an acknowledged visionary and powerful connector. Melinda is also on a mission to advance women in entrepreneurship, and is a 4-time serial entrepreneur, innovating successful 7-figure businesses across interactive media, crowdsourcing and technology. She hosts a widely-acclaimed and fast-growing podcast on entrepreneurship at the intersection of personal and business growth called Wings of Inspired Business, as well as the Wings of Success training, mentoring and coaching platform for women in business. She is CEO and founder of Verifeed, the social intelligence platform helping her clients get a measurable Return on Authenticity™ from their social media engagement. Melinda is an avid world traveler and explorer, a fun- loving maverick, a single mom to two teenagers and a golden retriever, and has a love of meditation, yoga and conscious, intentional living.
Please share a “Wow”
”I'm a super connector! Wherever I go I create magic by bringing unexpected people together, and the outcomes - always 'win win wins' never cease to amaze me.”
Please share a “Whisper”
”I am a manifester, and I live by intention. Increasingly I am experiencing incredible synchronicities that show me I'm on the right path.”
What do you want listeners to know about you?
Wings of Success - the summit, the inner circle, masterminds and epic experiences - catalyzing the ecosystem where women lift each other up (meaningfully, beyond the 'you go girl') by mentoring each other, throwing business to each other and investing in each other.
Your Business or Profession or Organization or Project
Wings Media (Wings of Inspired Business podcast and Wings of Success brand) also Verifeed, the social intelligence platform.
Listener Incentive or Special Offer
Free Access to the Wings of Success Summit - https://wingssummit.com - for lessons from 60 inspiring female entrepreneurs all with 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 figure businesses and massive influence.
Social Media links
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights Rosie’s Place, “Finding answers for 12,000 poor and homeless women a year.”
Visit them online:
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
1: Welcoming You with a Warm Hello
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Hello! You are warmly welcome, as you’ve found us at the beginning of something new… I’m your Host, Diane A. Curran, and I am thrilled to be with you on this fine adventure! What are we all about?
Wow Whispering!
Do we even make time, in a world too ready to rush us everywhere, or take a few moments to savor a Wow, or reflect on a Whisper? How often do we miss, or notice and value, such gifts?
In this very first Welcome episode, we get excited about the rhythms and unexpected gifts that Wow Whispering can offer, inviting you right into discoveries of your own.
Our podcast will explore The Heart of Conversation & High Performance Communication we encounter daily in life, business, community and culture.
Join us as we reflect on curiosities, challenges, and the emerging wisdoms we seek.
Our Guests are wonderfully lively, passionate, funny and wise people ready for fascinating conversations from many walks of life.
Healers, performing artists, athletes. Solopreneurs and entrepreneurs, psychologists and coaches, teachers and students. Writers and authors, shamans and animal intuitives, tech geeks and creative geniuses. Imagine the wows and whispers that made their lives, changed their lives. We've invited them to share their gems with you. Enjoy!
We’d love to hear from you.
Your ideas are most welcome for upcoming episodes, on these and other fascinating aspects of our shared journey.
How to reach us:
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Our Podcast PSA for this episode highlights the most visited museums in the world. Find them online:
1. The Louvre . https://www.louvre.fr/en
2. National Museum of China . http://en.chnmuseum.cn
3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The MET) . https://www.metmuseum.org
4. The Vatican Museum . http://www.museivaticani.va/
5. The British Museum . http://www.britishmuseum.org
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